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Where can I find detailed manuals?

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Portflow has many possibilities. The supplier, Drieam, has written extensive manuals for this. For a detailed explanation of the different functions, we refer you to the Drieam website. 

How do I work with sections, collections, and goals?

You can build your portfolio based on sections, collections, and goals. You can use sections to group different collections. For example, you can create sections for different courses, stages of education, or type of skills. A collection consists of goals, evidence, and feedback. Goals can be added to one or more collections and evidence can then be linked to them. 

Go to the manuals on sections, selections, and goals

How do I upload and manage evidence?

You can upload different types of evidence in Portflow, such as files, free text or a video. With the help of evidence, you can demonstrate that you have achieved a certain goal or are working towards it.  

Go to the manuals on evidence

How do I share my portfolio and collect feedback?

You can share (parts of) your portfolio with people within the university or external parties. You can do this to collect feedback during the process, but also if your portfolio is complete and you want to show that you have achieved certain goals.  

Go to the manuals on feedback

How do I create a frozen version (snapshot)?

Sharing your portfolio can be done in two ways. You can give someone access to your active portfolio in Portflow or you can create a frozen version of (a part of) your portfolio and then export this snapshot.

Go to the manuals on snapshots

How do I set up notifications?

In Portflow, you will get notifications when you receive an invitation to view another portfolio, when you receive a feedback request or when your response or feedback is responded to. You can set these notifications to be sent to your email as well.  

Go to the manual on notifications

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