Brightspace en Portflow Docent

How do I move a course to the top of my homepage?

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If you want to easily find a course on your homepage, you can pin it. The course will then appear at the top when you search for courses, and you can use the Pinned filter in My Courses on the Homepage. Below is an explanation.

To pin a course, first click on the 'Waffle' icon at the top of the Brightspace environment.

Search for the course by using the search bar and clicking the magnifying glass or pressing enter. If you don't see a search bar, it’s because you're enrolled in too few courses. In that case, you can scroll through the courses displayed.

Once you've found the course, you can click the pin icon next to the course.

If the pin icon is greyed out, it means the course is pinned. This course will now appear at the top of the list when you search for a course.

Additionally, the course will appear at the top of the My Courses widget, and you can click on Pinned when you only want to see the courses you have pinned.

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