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Question types

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In Brightspace, you can create eleven different types of questions. Each question type has a different process and set of steps, so we do not include question-specific instructions in this guide. Below is a brief overview of all the available question types and their functions.

When creating a new question via Create New > New Question, the following options are available:

  • Multiple Choice (MC): A question with multiple options, where one is correct. Example: "Which is not a nut? (a) candelabra (b) tiger nut (c) hazelnut."
  • True or False (T/F): A question that can either be true or false. Example: "Another word for peanut is groundnut."
  • Fill in the Blanks (FIB): A question where the participant must fill in the blanks of a text. Example: "Nuts contain a lot of ... fats, and eating unsalted nuts lowers ... cholesterol."
  • Multi-Select (M-S): A question with multiple options, where multiple correct answers can exist. Example: "Select the legumes: (a) peanuts (b) soybeans (c) tiger nuts (d) tamarind."
  • Matching Questions (MAT): A question where the participant must match answers to other items. Example: "Match the correct pairs: walnut, tiger nut, peanut → nut, turnip, legumes."
  • Ordering Question (ORD): A question where the participant must arrange answers in the correct order. Example: "Which nuts contain the least carbohydrates per 100g? (from < to >): Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, pecans, chestnuts, etc."
  • Written Response (WR): An open-ended question where the answer can be as long as specified. You can use the initial text to write the beginning of the answer. Example: "Why are green legumes like beans classified as vegetables? – I think ..."
  • Short Answer (SA): A question where the answer is a single word or a short phrase. Example: "An almond is actually not a nut, but a ..."
  • Multi Short Answer (MSA): A question where the answer consists of multiple words or short phrases. Example: "Name the three fattest nuts (per 100g): ..."
  • Arithmetic (2+2): A question that tests mathematical knowledge and/or understanding. Example: "What is 2 + 2?"
  • Significant Figures (x10): A question where the participant must answer in a specific scientific notation, with the answer consisting of a specific number or figure. Example: "What is 1.23 x 10^3?"


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