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How do I use release conditions?

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What are release conditions?

Release conditions are used to set requirements for when a student gains access to specific course components. For example:

  • Students can only take the week two quiz if they scored 50% or higher on the week one quiz.
  • Students can only post in a discussion forum if they have created a thread themselves.
  • Students can only see the final assignment after submitting the individual assignments.

You can link multiple release conditions to a component. For example:

  • Students can only see the final assignment if they have submitted the individual assignments and scored 50% or higher on the quizzes.

You can also add multiple release conditions to a component and set it so that students only need to meet one of these conditions. For example:

  • Students can gain access to week two's course materials if they have submitted the week one assignments, scored 50% or higher on the quizzes, or created a discussion thread.

You always link a release condition to the activity you want to release. For example, if you want students to only see assignment B once they have achieved a passing grade for assignment A, you set the release condition in assignment B. This will remain invisible to the student until they meet the release condition (i.e., completing assignment A with a passing grade).

When do you use release conditions?

You can link release conditions to almost all components in Brightspace. Below is a list of the components and the release conditions you can use:


  • … you have submitted an assignment (Submission to folder).
  • … you have received feedback on a submitted assignment (Receive feedback on submission).
  • … you have received a grade with the rubric (Score on associated rubric).
  • … you have not submitted anything (No submission to folder).


  • … you have earned a specific award (Award Earned).


  • … you have completed the checklist (Completed checklist).
  • … you have completed a checklist item (Completed checklist item).
  • … you have not completed the checklist (Incomplete checklist).
  • … you have not completed a checklist item (Incomplete checklist item).


  • … you are a member of a specific group (Group Enrollment).
  • … you are a member of a specific course (Org Unit Enrollment).
  • … you are a member of a specific section (Section Enrollment).
  • … you have a specific role (Role in Current Org Unit).
  • … you have been enrolled in the course for a specific number of days (Date of Enrollment in Current Org Unit).


  • … you have viewed a specific topic (Visited content topic).
  • … you have viewed all topics (Visited all content topics).
  • … you have not viewed a specific topic (Not visited content topic).

Discussions (forums and topics):

  • … you have posted a specific number of posts or replies in a discussion topic (Posts authored in topic).
  • … you have received a grade with the rubric (Score on associated rubric).
  • … you have not posted anything in a discussion topic (No posts authored in topic).

Grades (items and categories):

  • … you have achieved a specific score on a grade item (Grade value on a grade item).
  • … you have received a grade with the rubric (Score on associated rubric).
  • … you have not received a grade (No grade received).


  • … you have achieved a specific score on a quiz (Score on a quiz).
  • … you have completed a quiz attempt (Completed quiz attempt).
  • … you have received a grade on specific questions (Score on selected questions).
  • … you have received a grade with the rubric (Score on associated rubric).
  • … you have not submitted the quiz (No completed quiz attempt).


  • … you have submitted the survey (Completed survey attempt).
  • … you have not submitted the survey (No completed survey attempt).

If you use release conditions, communicate this to your students at the beginning of the course. This way, they will know that not all course content is accessible to them right away, that they are responsible for progressing through the entire course, and that completing certain parts will unlock new sections. If you do not clearly explain the concept of release conditions to students, you may create false expectations, as the course may end up having more components and/or assignments than they initially anticipated (based on the content visible to them at the start of the course).

How do you set up release conditions?

You can set release conditions for Activities (and Surveys), grades, and Content topics:

  • The Release conditions can be found under Availability Dates & Conditions. You will see the Release Conditions section.
  • For example, when creating a new assignment or content, you will find the release conditions on the right side. You can also add release conditions to an already created assignment or content by clicking on the three dots and then selecting Edit.
  • Click on Create new to create and add a new release condition.
  • Click on Add Existing to add previously created release conditions to the component.

The example below shows what it looks like after creating a new release condition.

  1. Choose the type of condition that students must meet in order to view the component (in the example, submitting an assignment).
  2. Fill in the details of the condition (in the example, specify which assignment it concerns).
  3. Click on Create.

When you have set multiple conditions, you can specify whether the student must meet all conditions or just one of the conditions.

Advice for using release conditions

If you plan to use release conditions extensively, it is important to consider the following practical points:

  • Set release conditions before students have access to your course: This gives you time to check if all release conditions are working properly by carefully reviewing them all again.
  • Avoid unnecessary release conditions: If you use too many release conditions, it may make it increasingly difficult for Brightspace to load your pages.
  • Avoid circular release conditions that students cannot fulfill: For example, if you set it up so students must view document A before posting in the discussion, and then set it up so they must post a message in the discussion before they can view document A, it will become impossible for students to meet the course requirements. Therefore, keep track of which release condition is linked to which course component.
  • Once created, release conditions are stored in the course: This is useful if you want to reuse complex release conditions.
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