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How do I create a quiz?

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Create a quiz

Quizzes can be used to create formative assessments. You can optionally set them to be auto-graded.

  1. Go to Course Tools in your navbar.
  2. Then click on Quizzes.
  3. Click on New Quiz.
  1. Choose a title for your quiz.
  2. Click the arrow next to Not in Gradebook to create a new grade item, link an existing grade item, or adjust the current grade item.
  3. (Optional) Add a Due date.
  4. (Optional) Add a Description.
  5. Add Questions.
  6. Availability & Conditions: Select a start and end date, add release conditions, and/or special access.
  7. Timing & Display: Select how much time students have to complete the quiz, edit the header and footer, and add hints.
    • Indicate if you want to allow hints by checking the Allow Hints box (hints are created per question, but they must be enabled here for the quiz). This is especially useful if you are importing questions that may have hints.
  8. Attempts & Completion: Select the number of attempts, assign the quiz to a category, and set up email notifications.
    • Under Notification Email, you can enter an email address if you wish to receive notifications of completed quiz attempts. (If you want to use multiple addresses, separate them with commas).
  9. Evaluation & Feedback:
    • We recommend unchecking the boxes here unless you are creating a multiple-choice quiz and want students to see their score immediately.
    • Select whether students should see their score immediately after completing the quiz, or if the scores should be synced with the grade book, and configure the submission view.
  10. Click Save and Close to return to the quiz homepage.

Adding questions

  1. Click on Add Existing to upload a file, use the Question Library, or import questions from the Learning Repository.
  2. Click on Create New to add a new question.
    • Check this page for the types of questions available.
    • Click on Section to add a section.
    • Click on Question Pool to add a Question Pool

Question type

For each question, you can set various options. Below, we use a multiple-choice question as an example. Keep in mind that similar options are also available for other types of questions. For more information about the different options, see: Question Types.

  1. Here you can select the question type.
  2. In this field, you can write the questions and, if necessary, add images via Insert Stuff.
  3. Under Options, you can:
    • Add default feedback for each answer
    • Add a hint
    • Add a brief description
    • Add weight to answers
    • Add bullet points to the answers
  4. Add the answers and check the correct one.
  5. Enter the number of points the student can earn for a correct answer.
  6. Click Save to save the question.

If you click the arrow next to Save, you can either save and copy the question or save and create a new question right away. This is useful if the next question is similar and should have the same settings, or when you want to create multiple questions at once.

Adding more questions

  1. Continue adding more questions, sections, or question pools by clicking on Add Existing or Create New.
  2. Finally, you will see the total number of points for the quiz on the right-hand side.

When you select questions, you can perform various actions via Move To or More Actions. For example, with Move To, you can move questions to the beginning or end of the quiz, or with More Actions, you can delete the selected questions.

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