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How do I grade an assignment using a Rubric?

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In this article, you will learn how to grade a submitted assignment using a rubric. Would you like more information on grading and the options available to you? Then check out this item

Once the rubric is created and linked to an assignment or discussion, you can grade students based on the rubric.

Grade using a Rubric

  1. Click on Grades in the course navigation bar.
  1. Look in the column for the assignment you want to grade.
  2. Open one of the submissions by clicking on it (the document icon in a box). The orange dot means that you have not viewed this document yet.

The following screen will then appear in a NEW tab of your browser. As you can see on the right side, a rubric has already been linked to the assignment. It is also shown that it has not been graded yet ('Not scored')

  1. On the left side of the screen, click on the document you want to grade.
  2. Once you click the rubric name, it will open on the right side of your screen. From there, you can grade the assignment. You can also click on the tilted arrow in the top right corner to open the rubric in a new window.

A rubric opened in a separate window looks (approximately) like this:

  1. Grade the assignment by clicking on the corresponding level for each criterion.
  2. You can also add feedback for each criterion by clicking on Add Feedback.
  3. If there are multiple columns in the Overall Score, the column that matches the total score achieved in the rubric will be selected automatically. This is for informational purposes only. It is possible to click on a different score, but this will not affect the overall score. The Overall Score often consists of only one column with a dash or a general note, such as 'see Grades'.
  4. If needed, you can overwrite the Total Score by typing a different score next to Total. However, this is generally not recommended, as the criteria with their corresponding scores have been carefully set up.
  5. If you have filled out the rubric in a separate window, click on Close when you are done. The rubric will have been saved automatically in the meantime.

Het pop-upscherm is verplaatsbaar en instelbaar. Op die manier kun je de opdracht, het cijfer en de rubric altijd tegelijkertijd zien.

  1. Once you have completed the grading, a checkmark will appear in the rubric icon.. 
  2. Optionally, enter Overall Feedback.
  3. The Overall Grade field shows the score achieved. This number is related to the maximum points set when the assignment was created.

    The Overall Grade can also be overwritten. This is done, for example, when the rubric includes prerequisites and the student has not met the prerequisites.
  4. Click Save Draft at the bottom to save the grade. It will not be visible to the student yet.
  5. To make the score visible, click on Publish. This score will also be transferred to Grades. Depending on the settings of the corresponding Grade Item, the score may be converted into a grade, for example.
  6. You can also publish all scores at once by clicking Back to Submissions in the top left, selecting all students, and clicking Publish Feedback.

Information about (filled-out) Rubrics

When the Rubrics are collapsed, it is possible to see whether a Rubric has been fully completed, partially completed, and what score has been achieved.

  1. If a Rubric has not been graded yet, it will be marked as Not Scored.
  2. If a Rubric has been partially graded, the provisional score will be displayed along with the number of criteria that have not been graded yet.
  3. A fully graded Rubric will show the score and the Level (Overall Score) achieved.
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