Brightspace en Portflow Docent

Release grades to students

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All grade columns in the Gradebook are visible to students by default, except for the Final Grades. Final Grades are only visible once they have been released by the instructor.

Note: Grades in Brightspace have no official status. Final grades must always be recorded in Osiris. This article provides only a brief explanation of the available functionality via Grades. No rights can be derived from this article.

  • Click on Grades in the navigation bar.
  • Click on the Enter Grades tab.
  • Click on the arrow next to Final Calculated Grade
  • Click on Enter Grades

A new screen will now open. Select (a portion of) the students and click on Release/Unrelease to release or hide the Final Grades for the selected students. It is also possible to manually check or uncheck in the leftmost column whether the Final Grade has been released for each student.

You can do this for all students at once, or manage it on a class, subgroup, or individual student level.

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