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How do I adjust my notifications?

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Notifications are the email alerts you receive about updates in a course. This does not include the alerts in Brightspace itself (which are displayed with an orange dot in the minibar). You can choose which courses and course components you want to receive email notifications for.

Keep in mind that the settings under Notifications apply to all courses you are enrolled in.

Click on your name at the top of the minibar and then click on Notifications.

  1. Here you will see the Pulse App, which is the Brightspace app that allows you to receive notifications, etc., via the app and not just in your inbox.
  2. Under Contact Methods, you will find the email address where you will receive notifications. Brightspace automatically uses your email address, as it is linked to your Brightspace account. This cannot be changed.
  3. Under Summary of Activity, you can choose whether you want to receive a daily (Daily) or weekly (Weekly) summary of notifications for all courses. If yes, you can set a time to receive the summary. If you do not set a time, you will automatically receive the email at 00:00.

Check under Instant Notifications which activities you want to receive notifications for. This applies to all courses unless you exclude specific courses under Exclude Some Courses.

  • Check under Customise Notifications whether you want to receive grades notifications from Grades and whether you want to receive notifications from future courses.
  • Under Exclude Some Courses, select the courses for which you do not want to receive notifications. Click on Manage course exclusions, search for the course using the Search course name bar, and click the X next to the course name(s) from which you do not want to receive notifications. Click Exclude All Courses to stop receiving notifications from all courses (this is also useful if you have many courses and only want notifications from one or a few courses). If you previously turned off notifications for a course and now want to turn them back on, search for the course name and click the restart notifications icon. Click Restore excluded courses to reactivate notifications for all courses.
  • Click Save to save your settings.
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