As an instructor, you have the ability to view your course as a student (preview). This allows you to see how students experience your course. For example, you can check if the content is presented clearly or verify whether, as a student, you can understand how grades are calculated based on the information shown in the gradebook.
The preview option only gives you an overview of how students see your course. In this mode, for example, you cannot complete a quiz or submit an assignment; for that, you need a Preview Learner account. Each school has access to 3 Preview Learner accounts. You can request one from the keyuser at your school.
- • Click on your name in the minibar, then select View as learner.
- • You will land on the course homepage. Here, you will see a two-arrow icon next to your name, indicating that you are now viewing the course as a student. This also means that all the editing buttons you normally have access to are now gone.
- • Navigate to the course components you want to view in the student view.
- • To exit the student view, click on your name again and then select the close (X) button.
Items (such as (sub)modules) that you have set to Draft status as an instructor are not visible in the student view; students will not be aware of their existence. If a (sub)module is published, but its release date is in the future, students will see the name of the module (e.g., Lesson Material Week 2), but they will not have access to it yet. You can intentionally use this to give students a hint of what is planned without revealing the actual content of the module. Items with a release condition are also not visible in the preview mode.